Thursday, May 26, 2011

“Holy Hell” Now Look what you done (Dortrupt) in London England

Inn Keeper I order; The “Banana Worm Bread” and “Fruit Bat Soup”, a big plate of The “Hog Jowls and Collard Greens in Sauce Blanc avec truffles et buerr” and for dessert the “California Spumoni Sorbet” on “Road Kill Gopher Gut’s”.
Look Like somebody diaper is extra pissy right about now...”
“Starsky and Hutch” Excuse trying to win (Sherlock Holmes Award)
Excuse me “Inspector Todd” I got a call from “Billy & Taggart” down in Houston Texas, and the strangest thing this
Detroit Police department is not fully represented at the annual by Semi-Tri- Multi Jurisdictional Conference Meeting, with “Interpol” why don’t I just go on and Fly down “Sir” and hold up on our end, and “Sir I’ll pay my on flight….. This time…..

Murtaugh: “Hey Captain “Sir” “Riggs ran out of bullets”
Riggs: No “Captain” Murtaugh ran out of bullets first”,
Captain: Hold it “Just fucking hold it”, “just what do I look like Macy” – “What ever you two “Danish Cakes” are up to, I do not want to know crap” “Got It”, you got (2) week’s and Just what is it I do not want to fucking no crap about anyway…?
Riggs: “Sherlock Holmes” put out a “Contract Hit” on a little old “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor in Houston Texas…
Captain: Murtaugh get this dam “asshole” out of my dam office quick….

Err…excuse me um…”Captain may I take my 2 and ½ years paid leave vacation time to Houston Texas, I built up some extra leave time running syndicate on T.V. Land, and I just develop a real bad case of the “Gout” and my wife left ankle has swallowed up like a pig knuckle and she heard their this Voodoo Witch Doctor their has a cure with some snake “oil” water mixture he use straight out of the “Gulf of Mexico”, Its all of the yuppie rave my wife over heard in Hollywood on Sunset-n-Vine…
          Pardon me “Captain” I Need to be dispatched to the United States for a brief moment to aid a long lost aunt, she has problems with Voodoo,  sorry sir I mean (Do Do) problems from a sever case of “diarrhea”  
Do “Bounty Hunters, Solders of Fortunes & “Mete Maid’s” count for (Award) status win..???
Can joint custody count as win too with issues involved over several Trans-Atlantic venues …with a bonus of a cookie and juice box
·         "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!"

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